domingo, 10 de octubre de 2021

Some Hydrogen Combinations

 Watch the lesson on Youtube here:


We get hydrogen from fossil energy such as natural gas and oil or biomass related to wood. Hydrogen is the lightest chemical element that exists and we normally find this element as gas. 

Approximately, it constitutes 75% of the matter of the universe that combined with other elements is an energetic vector

It is the most abundant element on earth. 

Last information I know is that in California, The USA, there are more than 30 public retail hydrogen fueling station with plans to reach 100. 

The USA produces around 10 millions metric tones of hydrogen each year, mainly for petroleum refining and ammonia production, and for other sectors.

But the problem is the cost, so it is very challenge for countries to develop the right technology to produce at $2/Kg by 2025 and $1/Kg by 2030.. Currently it cost $5/Kg.

The combustion of Hydrogen produces Nitrous Oxide emissions and it is very well known as “The Laughing Gas”. Currently very popular in the UK that is illegal for recreational purposes. Also it is used for dental processes. 

It is a clinical safe anesthetic with ani anxiety effect that in excess we find bad effect for health. 

The Hydrogen Sulfide is a colorless gas, flammable and toxic. It is used for oil and gas refining, mining, pulp and paper processing, for example. 

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, Hydrogen Sulfide is one the the leading causes of workplace gas inhalation deaths in the USA.

The Hydrogen Peroxide is used for sanitizing beauty and manicure, desinfect, for example.

Ingesting high concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide can cause a perforated gut, stomach burns, fainting, and including death.

And if you combine this with vinegar, it creates peracetic acid, a corrosive acid that can harm the skin. 

Hydrogen plus Oxygen form Water

The country Chile, in south america got Hydrogen generated from electricity from renewable energies through a process called "water electrolysis" (separation of oxygen and hydrogen). Produced from hydrocarbons such as natural gas, methane or other polluting gases.

If you combine 2 hydrogen molecules and 2 oxygen molecules you can create explosions by joining Hydrochloric acid +Aluminium or Hydrochloric acid+Zinc in a bottle and then by adding a balloon to contain the air emission, and after that when the balloon is already inflated you prick the balloon to get an explosion.

The first hydrogen bomb to explode was one of the United States, on October 31, 1952 on the Enewetak Atoll (Marshall Islands), it had a power of 10.4mt. The powerful waves circled the earth three times.

And here are my atomic books. I created islands, countries, planets and after that, they were destroyed by natural disasters or atomic bombs.  All of them are available on Amazon book store.

By Nicolas Sourivongxay for Born To Shine Foundation:

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