sábado, 28 de mayo de 2022

Renewable Energy in Argentina


Observation: The percentage of the Argentine Energy Martrix that gives 101% instead of 100% was extracted from the company YPF (Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales) owned by Argentine state and OFEPHI provinces (51.0%), Floating 49%

Link: https://www.ypf.com/desafiovacamuerta/Paginas/index.html

Even thou, Nicolas Sourivongxay asked the company for a response on Twitter:

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2021

Some Hydrogen Combinations

 Watch the lesson on Youtube here:


We get hydrogen from fossil energy such as natural gas and oil or biomass related to wood. Hydrogen is the lightest chemical element that exists and we normally find this element as gas. 

Approximately, it constitutes 75% of the matter of the universe that combined with other elements is an energetic vector

It is the most abundant element on earth. 

Last information I know is that in California, The USA, there are more than 30 public retail hydrogen fueling station with plans to reach 100. 

The USA produces around 10 millions metric tones of hydrogen each year, mainly for petroleum refining and ammonia production, and for other sectors.

But the problem is the cost, so it is very challenge for countries to develop the right technology to produce at $2/Kg by 2025 and $1/Kg by 2030.. Currently it cost $5/Kg.

The combustion of Hydrogen produces Nitrous Oxide emissions and it is very well known as “The Laughing Gas”. Currently very popular in the UK that is illegal for recreational purposes. Also it is used for dental processes. 

It is a clinical safe anesthetic with ani anxiety effect that in excess we find bad effect for health. 

The Hydrogen Sulfide is a colorless gas, flammable and toxic. It is used for oil and gas refining, mining, pulp and paper processing, for example. 

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, Hydrogen Sulfide is one the the leading causes of workplace gas inhalation deaths in the USA.

The Hydrogen Peroxide is used for sanitizing beauty and manicure, desinfect, for example.

Ingesting high concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide can cause a perforated gut, stomach burns, fainting, and including death.

And if you combine this with vinegar, it creates peracetic acid, a corrosive acid that can harm the skin. 

Hydrogen plus Oxygen form Water

The country Chile, in south america got Hydrogen generated from electricity from renewable energies through a process called "water electrolysis" (separation of oxygen and hydrogen). Produced from hydrocarbons such as natural gas, methane or other polluting gases.

If you combine 2 hydrogen molecules and 2 oxygen molecules you can create explosions by joining Hydrochloric acid +Aluminium or Hydrochloric acid+Zinc in a bottle and then by adding a balloon to contain the air emission, and after that when the balloon is already inflated you prick the balloon to get an explosion.

The first hydrogen bomb to explode was one of the United States, on October 31, 1952 on the Enewetak Atoll (Marshall Islands), it had a power of 10.4mt. The powerful waves circled the earth three times.

And here are my atomic books. I created islands, countries, planets and after that, they were destroyed by natural disasters or atomic bombs.  All of them are available on Amazon book store.

By Nicolas Sourivongxay for Born To Shine Foundation: https://borntoshinefoundation.wordpress.com/

domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2021

Thinking of Energy's planet

In effect, humans are being concentrated in what they take control that means other humans activities, but less can focus on the behavior of the nature. The world is movement, the gases in the air are not static, it moves, it changes. The approach toward that trigger climate effects has to be focused on deleting the superfluous lines in order to thrive.

Fostering good activities for awareness concerning climate change, I wrote a fictional book related to natural disasters between worlds, a world of fantasy affecting the real world of humans. In one hand, humans working and creating policies, and by the other hand, heroes and creatures in the fantasy world fighting against someone or something that is out of the hands of human’s control. 

I also promote my album of music that contains my main original song Let It Shine On Me, and also my original song I created for the Olympic Games Born to Shine.

By Nicolas Sourivongxay

sábado, 19 de junio de 2021


This is the english version of the webinar part of Nicolas Sourivongxay.

LINK of the video live : https://fb.watch/6eg4nn5FkG/ 


It is based on development goals 7 and 13


It is a book with fantastic and wonderful elements in the regional legend style because the story is located in the Argentine province of San Luis, it evokes the concept of caring for the environment, biodiversity, the preservation of natural resources and the responsibility of their use.

Through characters that develop their full potential along the way to save the world from climate change caused by a sinister character that lives in a dimension parallel to human beings, such as the Witch SISMA, while rescuing the Doctor Arañus who is hostage to that witch.  

There are a multitude of characters, animals that come to life, and superheroes which will try to save both worlds, the fantasy world and the human world on planet earth.

Natural disasters are very difficult to deal with, according to their intensity, and in addition, humans do not manage to mitigate them in time despite the forecasts and warnings, and this causes economic damage, deaths, and significant losses, As for example, in the ASIA Pacific, in 2016, it put floods at the top as the main cause, followed by storms, earthquakes, landslides, extreme temperatures, all of this, affecting 59.2 million people with an economic loss of 45.1 billion.

Hurricane natural disasters in the southeastern United States, Haiti. Earthquakes in Mexico, in the Philippines. Temperatures elevated above the average in Europe. Here in Argentina, the floods in the provinces of Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Corrientes.

When we talk about Climate Change at a global level, we must talk about countries that stand out in the world ranking of greenhouse gas emissions. Currently emerging economies such as China (3.4%) and India (1.6%) increased their emissions.

The Global Share World Ranking places China first with 30.3%, United States 13.4%, EU27 + UK 8.7%, India 6.8%, Russia 4.5%, and Japan 3%. In Latin America Mexico leads 1.3%, and Brazil with 1.3% as well.

In the case of Argentina, the energy matrix shows that thermal energy predominates, (it should be noted that it is exported to Brazil) followed by hydropower, however in this last period, hydropower has been falling annually around 8%, while that renewable energies have been growing thanks to investment in wind energy, and secondly in solar energy.

It should be noted that even so, in Argentina, the energy matrix exposes Natural Gas first with around 50% whose fluid is composed of methane and other hydrocarbons. Then Oil more than 30%, Renewables with around 10%, Nuclear 3%, Coal containing hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen 2%.

This is the ranking with the greatest impact when it comes to CO2 targets. Energy efficiency, which is broad, has to do with management, the involvement of many sectors, such as transport, building, factories and companies, interest groups, stakeholders, government. 

Investment in renewable energy projects taking into account financial sustainability for the development of activities, reducing the barriers that impede or hinder the progress of the generation of new energy alternatives. We speak of this type of energy that is regenerated naturally or artificially such as wind energy, solar energy, tidal energy, biomass energy (Vegetation and others), hydraulic energy. However, many governments invest more in non-renewable energy, that is, coal, oil, and natural gas, causing great damage to the environment, and the effects we suffer as a result of climate change. In 2020, government budgets were destined to alleviate the socio-economic problems that Covid-19 produced, that is, Health, Education, Social Security. Natural gas reservoirs can contain up to 100% CO2. 

Regarding CO2, the global goal between 2015 and 2050 is to capture 120 gigatons to be able to adapt to the next scenarios. 80% CO2 represents ¾ of all greenhouse gases. 

The transformation of fuel, for example, biomass, In Brazil it is number 1 in the region in the use of biomass fuel in automobiles.

Worldwide, the same energy industry and other industries are the ones that produce the most CO2, and in second place is transport.

The United Kingdom should also be named because historically, the industrial revolution of the 18th century increased CO2 emissions by 47%, but the British country has worked hard to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement with a goal of reducing the emission of CO2. gases by 75% by 2035 incorporating air and maritime transport in the plan. In 2019 the CO2 emission in this last sector increased to 3.6% and 2.4% respectively compared to 2018, the Global share places them 1.7% and 1.9% respectively.

But what happens in Latin America in terms of transport?

In the planning, operation, and management of airports, environmental externalities must be considered, that is, air pollution, climatic effects, noise, energy production, and habitat damage. 

In 2018, the ACI (Airport Council International), developed the Airport Carbon Accreditation Program to reduce and mitigate the effects of climate change referred to 3 areas, emissions from sources controlled by the airport, emissions resulting from the purchase of energy electricity, and emissions from other sources related to the airport. (Read the box)

There are several airports in the world highlighted for this cause, among them, it is the Singapore Airport on the Asian continent that we see in this slide representing a bioclimatic architecture, there are also others such as the one on the Galapagos Islands that attracts the attention of the airport , the exterior part for its sustainability. 

As for maritime transport, according to the European Union, it emits around 940 million tons of CO2 annually and it is this sector that is responsible for around 2.5% per year of greenhouse gas emissions. There are several mechanisms for efficiently reducing costs, such as slowing down steam turbines, counter-rotating propellers and efficient propulsion of machines and appliances, and routing climate control.

CO2 is not so bad, it is necessary for life. Plants need CO2 for photosynthesis, which then releases O2. It is also necessary because otherwise, without CO2 the planet would be completely cold and frozen. The problem lies in the excess of CO2 and other gases. 

Where is CO2 found?

Fossil fuels represent 9.00 gigatons

Carbon sinks are natural or artificial deposits that absorb carbon from the atmosphere. The biological processes of production of coal, oil, natural gas, methane did it, but also nature was transformed, and some plants (forests in formation) also did. What is sought here is to find the best form of CO2 retention. This represents 3.00GT

Atmosphere Growth 4.40GT

The carbon sink in the oceans is 2.60 GT. Be careful with acidification.

Land use change which is 1.00GT which are the economic activities of exploitation of the land by humans.  

by Nicolas Sourivongxay

Spanish Version: https://nscomexclimatechange.blogspot.com/2021/05/webinar-eficiencia-energetica.html